Crochet Granny Squares Into a Blanket

Granny square blankets are not news in the fascinating world of crocheting. Truly, blankets made out of granny squares are definitely one of the most frequent blanket types that you can find – probably, because of the easiness of the whole process.
The design that you can see on the photos above the article, had quite a success in a social media sphere for the last couple of months. The snowflake kind of a motive of this blankets design, first appeared on Instagram and took the crochet world by the storm.
Today we are sharing a square tutorial, that is essentially for the same squares that are used to make these types of blankets. By learning how to crochet the square, as seen in the tutorial, you are going to adjust color ratios within the square and order them in a particular way, such that you achieve this snowing design.